We are committed to develop and provide affordable housing, economic and educational opportunities and support services to individuals and families to attain long-term self-sufficiency and end the cycle of poverty.
Agency Overview
WDC is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit corporation organized in 1987 under the laws of the State of Nevada for the purpose of providing transitional/affordable housing and related services to at risk and homeless families. In 1990, WDC began administering its Transitional Housing (TH) Program, targeting homeless women with children. Since that time, WDC has expanded its mission to address the gaps in housing/support services for individuals and families in need in Clark County.
WDC’s Board of Directors is diversified racially and ethnically and includes business leaders and owners with a very strong representation from the legal field, real estate development, and financial sectors. Our staff are experienced in property management, administering grant funding, housing and case management related issues. All our staff are certified by HUD as Housing Quality Standards Inspectors.
Agency History
Women’s Development Center’s focus is to provide quality affordable housing and related services to homeless and at-risk individuals and families residing in Clark County. Housing services range from Transitional housing for the homeless to assistance for low-income families purchasing their first home.
In 1990, WDC began its programming with one 4-plex, and has grown to seven housing programs with a housing inventory of 122 units. WDC has implied numerous methods to increase its housing stock over the years. WDC utilized programs through HUD to purchase foreclosed properties and rehabilitate the units to increase the number of affordable rentals we could offer for poor families. These efforts have also helped to revitalize local neighborhoods, in which WDC buys properties. Another method used was Tax Credits, which we began 3 decades ago and was instrumental in constructing the Lindell Harbor Senior Apartments. This program assists seniors aged 55 and over who are at 50% of Area Median Income or below. All property management and maintenance issues for the 122 units are performed by WDC. We ensure that all units surpass federal regulations for housing standards. WDC prides itself on having the highest quality affordable housing services in the community. These programs have helped thousands of homeless and at-risk individuals and families to gain stability and become self-sufficient.
At the time of application, WDC determines which program the client is eligible for. It is important to note, that applicants come to WDC from all types of situations such as being homeless, living with relatives, being severely rent burdened, or having the desire to purchase their own homes. Each program has specific eligibility guidelines, which typically focus on income levels or homeless status.